- Counsellor
Jenny has over 20 years of experience in counselling and family therapy. M & J Essential Solutions provides family therapy and counselling for families and individuals, using CBT and other relevant therapy techniques to help our clients work through their issues to help their personal mental health, to heal and to build and strengthen their relationships with their loved ones and other connections. We have found that there is an increase in the number of children and adults that are diagnosed and yet to be diagnosed with ADHD. Our knowledge, training and experience is helping these clients understand themselves and for their families to also understand what is happening with the behaviour and how their response to the behaviour affects the client. Developing communication skills, problem solving, reflecting on the thought processes and acknowledging and understanding emotions builds a stronger relationship. The client/s thrive on the new knowledge and show immediate relief and signs of hope and a positive future when they a realize the therapist understands and accepts them for who they are and that their families are developing a better understanding of them. Working with neurodiverse and neurotypical couples has challenges, however, acceptance and a willingness to develop knowledge of why and how people process and respond to information, the need for dopamine hits and the impulsivity of behaviour all leads to a stronger loving and caring relationship. The relief that parents share when they feel understood and that it the label that their child is a naughty child is not appropriate, that the techniques to help settle the child and for the child to feel accepted, particular as the get older, and the help they get in their schools when the school teacher supports the strategies makes such a difference and helps the family look forward to a brighter future. We enjoy working with our ADHD clients and always encourage them to see their specialist paediatrician and or psychiatrist. It is a fulfilling experience to work with people to help them each reach their full potential and to be able regulate their emotions and see the benefit to themselves and their families, and partners.
We also provide employee assistance for not for profit and for-profit organisations. Our objective is to help the client to work out the root causes of stress, depression, anxiety, broken relationships, using CBT, Family Systems approach, looking at their family of origin, significant events of their lives and working with them to heal from those hurts and traumas. Developing their problem solving, communication and conflict resolution skills.
- 18 Spencer Street Bunbury Western Australia 6230
- 0417954339
- mark@essentialsolutionspl.com.au
- https://www.mandjessentialsolutions.com.au