You may be pleased to know that I’ve moved away from the ‘deficit model of the human experience’, ie I don’t interpret your struggles as a sign of being broken. Instead, I try to foster your sense of willingness to experience what it really means to be a real live human being with ADHD — yes, including all the ups and downs we inevitably experience.

I am passionate about supporting children, adolescents and adults (just like me!), as well as families or couples who are struggling with emotional dysregulation or other very challenging behaviours that can impact all aspects of life.

As a psychologist with ADHD, I can help by conducting diagnostic assessments (when necessary), but ultimately, I can help by developing your knowledge and skills.

While I am trained in a range of therapeutic techniques, I am particularly fond of an approach called ‘Acceptance & Commitment Therapy’ (and ‘Collaborative & Proactive Solutions’), which focusses on developing your psychological flexibility, resilience and problem-solving skills – as well as building your personal insight – which not only helps you cope better with ‘being ADHD’ but can even develop your ‘ADHD superpowers’, so you too can achieve a meaningful life! I find the ACT and CPS approaches extremely refreshing and personally satisfying — and I think you will too.